
Looking for friends

downndurty | 11.04.2007. - 19:11:45 | Diskusija lasīta 3270 reizes

Hi guys - I am coming to Riga for August/Sept and I am looking for friends in Riga for fun. I will be studying at the University for five weeks learning your language so anyone who wans to help me learn it and maybe learn some English to would be great. Looking to chat/email then meet up when I am in Riga.

Thanks guys x
Atbildes (8)
gratis | 19.04.2007. - 02:55:41

Oh! Not a single answer in this discussion! So strange... It is possible to think that for us nobody is able to read in English. And does not even want to make an attempt! :)
downndurty | 21.04.2007. - 18:46:01

Thanks Gratis x Was begining to think no one cared x
forgottenvoice | 22.04.2007. - 13:08:55

In Europe there is mind that Latvia is good place for good fuck this is first expectation and question of many arrived …. I think Latvia not will lose to much if wankers will go in different places. Especially between black or Indian peoples, which does more activities use this opportunities ... i know it is not good to speak in this way, - to fuck their self hardly, but there is not different way to give them feels of respect..
wizard | 22.04.2007. - 15:50:21

There are many young people in Riga, who do not need speaking English or any other language (including their native one) to make a very close acquaintance with a foreigner, of course,when a foreigner is interested in some other skills of these young people. But I presume, this is not the case. :))
gratis | 23.04.2007. - 03:49:55

Hi, downndurty! :-) So, if you indeed want to be practiced in languages and have cultural pleasant intercourse – I am ready to be in your order. Freely I own Latvian and Russian as well and would like to be practiced in English. For "other kind" of pleasure you will find a lot of people, as wizard wrote, because I am not sure that it needs me. Only my English is not very well... :-) Unfortunately I did not find your e-mail address in your account for connection with you. In the case of the personal interest my e-mail address you will find in my account. :-)
downndurty | 17.05.2007. - 17:11:12

Well - this seems to have created some debate. I am indeed interested in making friends - i.e. friendship. I am coming to study Latvian for my own interest in Riga and just wanted to have some communication with some Gay Latvians, not for sex - just for friendship. Im not interested in ’other’ kind of pleasure as I have a husband home in the UK. It sad that many of you think that "In Europe there is mind that Latvia is good place for good fuck this is first expectation and question of many arrived" I love your city for its beauty, its people, its history and its attitute - NOT its men - as handsome as they all are.
mistiq | 17.05.2007. - 17:48:42

oh here we go again... ;D
forgottenvoice | 18.05.2007. - 19:42:59

Just because you from this city of crazy uniform guys and girls…and terrible English accent sorry - I was living in Northampton House on Willington street for 3 month. I spent lot time for find same one person on gay site, for go out, and find just on last week of my time there…it strange but I have got opinion that in this city more lesbian than gays:)…and about their handsome I could argue with you. I know how there for travelers is difficult first time in new city…but you need learn Russian language…this is universal business language for many Baltic countries…LV LT EST ... and East Europe. i found it when i has been oversea and my time in UK. What you husband thinking about you idea visit Latvia for fun?
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